Amazon Associate Disclaimer :
Giovanni Sasso is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com (USA), Amazon UK, or Amazon.ca (Canada).
“Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.”
No Extra Cost to You
As an Amazon Associate I, Giovanni Sasso, earn a percentage from qualifying purchases made on Amazon.com. The cost is the same to you. You DO NOT pay extra. For example, if (and when) you click a link for a product on Chainsaw Journal, and the link takes you to Amazon.com — I earn a percentage of your purchases over a 24 hour period. You pay what you’d normally pay, and I get a commission from your total purchase(s) amount. This percentage is subtracted from the total you would normally pay. Nothing is ever added to your total.
Thank-you for your Support…
The purpose of Pivot or Die is to share my knowledge and opinions with you in the hope that it will help you live your best life, and/or inspire you in some small way. From time to time, I will share or recommend products that I feel are worth your money. In these cases I may earn a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you, if you use one of my links.
Your support allows me to continue building the site and justify all of the time I spend creating the content on Pivot or Die. Without advertising this site would not exist. I know a lot of people dislike advertising, and I do as well; if it’s irrelevant to what I’m searching for. I strive to only provide meaningful advertising and I try to ensure that it’s directly related to the article subject matter and search intent.
It’s important to disclose this to you and inform you that there will never be any intention to manipulate or sell you anything you don’t need. Just be mindful of the fact that Product links may take you offsite with an affiliate link.
Contact Information :
- Giovanni Sasso
- Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Email :